

hello there :)
in my previous post, i said i'd have some interesting things to share... so lets begin.

FIRST, i'd like to say that im am sad that the niners aren't going to the super bowl this year :( can't be mad though... they had a hell of a season. there were a lot of people talking shit on FB yesterday, & i posted:
niners are still the shit, so all you haters that were cheering for the giants because your team didn't come close to making the playoffs can have a seat! they had a great season, & they hadn't made it to an NFC championship game since what... 97 I think? you gotta give credit where credit is due. they're gonna be reeeal hungry next season, watch!

in regards to the game, many people seem to have this new-found hatred for #10 Kyle Williams. Which is fuckin' ridiculous because he has been a great asset to the team, & now everyone decides to throw his accomplishments out the window. People are even sending this man death threats, & it really makes me upset because although I have never met him, i know his family. The loss of a game is NEVER serious enough to the point where you wish death upon an individual & their family members. That's sick.

so yeah, that's how i feel about that.

was chill. the first place we went to wasnt poppin, & we ended up at some kick back in LA.

[side note: i got this victorian top from WASTELAND, a breeding ground for vintage & designer clothing. Out of all of the places we shopped at, that was my favorite hands down. i wish someone would've told me my bra strap was showin though.]

UNFORTUNATELY i dont have any pics from LA besides the NYE ones, because my camera was dead & of course i didnt have the charger. But i did capture this beautiful scene when i was at Santa Monica beach.

[side note: i wanna go parasailing one day.]

The majority of my winter break was spent at home in the bay. I had some pretty good adventures... like spending time with my bffs, over looking city lights until 5am, & going to ratchet clubs, which is where the picture below was taken lol

But now its back to reality. School started today, which is good and bad. This is my last semester, so its the beginning of the end :)


M I N G said...

OMG! That is so sick, some people can be so extreme!

Mila de Illusoire said...

Lovely post, I love you blog!:-)
Would you like to follow each other? M.

Deirdra said...

Thank you @Ms.Composure & @Mila :)

i'd love to follow the both of you!