It appears that many young & ambitious people are interested in fashion design these days. COOL :) But I feel that too many of them are playing it safe and being TOO CLICHE!
How do you expect to make it with unoriginal work?!
I don't wanna see the same shit!
I'm not implying that you shouldn't look to other artists/designers as a source of inspiration, but definetly step outside of the box to make that idea even greater and more interesting than ever.
For instance - how many people are going to make a debut with lace/studded sunglasses? I like the concept, but sorry its already been done.
Stevie Boi is a good example of this. Not sure how many of you are familiar w/ his work, but he's definetly blossomed since his myspace days. He's taken sunglasses to the next level with the materials he uses & the complexity & variation he adds to each one. ♥
IDK. Maybe it's just me... but I really think people need to step their game up if they want to make a big impression.
Another thing with the glasses is that everyone seems to be customizing them!
Why not use another medium? You can always do things with clothing, and accessories are always a plus to have in one's wardrobe :)
I came across this blog the other day, Taste the Candy, which is ran by a guy named Jevon Smith. Smith is the designer of Valor Candy, where he currently has a line of watches. Definetly has somethin goin, check him out on his blog or buy a watch HERE :)
Welllll, that's pretty much how I feel about youth's current thirst for fashion & design. Goodnight!
I agree that not many young people are thinking outside the box when it comes to fashion. I went to school in Atlanta and almost everyone in my fashion classes said that they wanted to be a fashion designer or sylist...but they all had the same point of view and style!
I don't think people realize that in order to "make it" in fashion, you have to come with something unique.
wow I could not agree more with this blog entry. Some people lack originality.
It's not just that people don't want to think outside the box... They also want to avoid looking like a retard. There's a fine line between fashion and hot mess, so most people would rather "play it safe."
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